portfolio of projects
Our construction projects range from General Contracting to Subcontracting for major concrete foundations, dams, and spillways. M.W. Hail covers Lampasas County and surrounding areas.
general contracting
First Presbyterian Church - New Fellowship Hall 5000 SF
Benny Boyd Dealership - Existing Building Remodel
Lampasas Public Library - Renovation
Lampasas Independent School District - Multiple projects
City of Lampasas - Multiple Projects
Lampasas Windsor Ajinomoto Food Plan - Multiple projects
Lampasas Rural Residence - 2500 SF Metal Building
Lampasas Rural Residence - Kitchen Remodel
Lampasas First Baptist Church - Multiple Projects
Concrete subcontractor
Lampasas Oil States New Warehouse - Foundation and Sitework
Marble Falls Bealls - Slab & Retaining Walls
Austin Luxury Residence - Concrete Foundation
Austin Restaurant - Concrete Foundation
Lampasas Golf Course - Spillway
Lampasas Area Residence - Creek Dam 4' tall x 25'
Lampasas Area Residence - Creek Dam 7' tall x50'